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Learn how to be a responsible shopper. Did someone say green retail therapy? Go shopping for ecological intelligence and discover what it means to be a responsible shopper in a world of over consumption. Reducing your footprint begins with your shoes. Energy saving products are the mainstream as c

Item Number:  (470330-824)
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The Sixth Extinction: The Human Role DVD

Item Number:  (470138-350)
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Renewable Fuels DVD, 24 min.

Item Number:  (470138-356)
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Hang on as our adventure team zip lines their way through the trees and science of understanding forest management and related ecosystems. They explore from high canopies all the way to the leaf litter to uncover the lifecycle or Wisconsin's recyclable forests. Along the way, they team up with expe

Item Number:  (470330-884)
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How do professionals safely handle waste while protecting our environment? American's generate more waste per person than almost anywhere else on the Planet. How much? Would you believe about 1700 pounds per person each year. If that's the average, many of us generate over one ton of waste a year

Item Number:  (470330-878)
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Our team of science investigators get their feet wet with the challenge of discovering where clean water comes from and all the people and science involved in the process of making it safe to drink. ITO Mission Control pulls out the hi-tech bag of tricks in sending the team of “water investigators”

Item Number:  (470330-862)
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How can we better conserve and live sustainably? Learn how to find sustainable furniture, find green items on EBay and even how to green your website. Get a behind the scenes look at how we define waste and value. Making environmentally good choices when furnishing your home is easier than you th

Item Number:  (470330-820)
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The Once Good Earth: Understanding Soil DVD

Item Number:  (470030-886)
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How has dairy farming changed in the past 200 years? What science is involved in getting us products like milk and cheese? Discover the answers and follow Josh and Caroline as they move throughout dairy farms, exploring the science along the way, finding adventure as they explore the science and te

Item Number:  (470330-904)
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Join our adventure team as they wade into the murky science of understanding our wetlands workings and ecosystems. They paddle, splash and probe their way across various wetlands to discover the water cycles, ecology and human influences that impact Wisconsin wetlands. So come on, it’s time to roll

Item Number:  (470330-882)
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How can science and technology convert the decomposed carbon-rich juices of ancient life into gasoline to power our vehicles plus make the asphalt to pave our roads. Unlock the answers to the physics, chemistry and science of hydrocarbons. We help unravel the complex chemistry and physics of how a

Item Number:  (470330-866)
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Smaller, greener & more flexible homes are popping up everywhere. Find out what the mini home is. We’ll make you sea sick with shipping containers, get a tour of the “Now House Project”, a War time home that is now a mean, green, energy producing machine. When it comes to building our homes bigger

Item Number:  (470330-814)
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Another way to look at how sustainability works is through Einstein’s Law of thermodynamics as it relates to the basic laws of nature and physics. Einstein knew that matter can be converted into energy and energy converted into matter. An important concept there is that energy can neither be create

Item Number:  (470330-892)
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Sand is great for a sandvox, but why would companies go through the trouble of mining tons of it out of the ground. Learn more about the geology of sand deposits, how frac-sand is mined and processed, how a sand mine company limits their environmental impact, and even how they are helping to preser

Item Number:  (470330-868)
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Did you ever consider the fact that the fuel in your car’s gas tank is mostly ancient sequestered carbon about 400 million years old? But part of that mixture is also modern recycled carbon made from today’s renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. In this program you’ll discover how science and

Item Number:  (470330-874)
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The Sixth Extinction: The Human Role DVD

Item Number:  (470030-912)
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