Ward's® Live White Planaria (Procotyla fluviatilis)

Avg. Ratings: 5.0 (1 Review)

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Education / Teacher & Dept. Head / Cedar Hill, TX
Yes, I recommend
These are such hardy little organisms! Wonderful to enrich lessons concerning genetics, taxonomy, cellular differentiation, etc. Also, my Planaria order was supposed to come with 100 specimens, but Ward's sent me 166 organisms and ALL of them arrived alive and healthy!! I was also extremely pleased with Holly Ahern's knowledge and guidance in response to all of the questions I had throughout the ordering process! Thank you Ward's!!
BOREAL.com associate Published 03/20/2017
Thank you for sharing!
470175-822PK 47.4 CAD
470175-822 470180-238 470180-240
Ward's® Live White Planaria (Procotyla fluviatilis)
Specimens Live Specimens Animals - Living Material
Planaria are a flatworm commonly used in science fair projects. They do not bite and move very slowly, making them easy for young students to observe.

  • Study structure, feeding habits, responses to environmental stimuli and regeneration
  • Compare to Brown and White Planaria (also available)
  • Multiple colored specimens in one sample allowing side-by-side comparison
  • Vital Stained cultures allow students to better visualize organism structures
  • Click on "Product Resources" tab for additional materials for this product
Though smaller than other types of Planaria, this species’ color makes it easier to see its multiple-branched digestive tract.

Vital Stained White Planaria, stained blue, makes these translucent flatworms, and their internal structures, easier to see.

Ordering information: These products contain living or perishable materials.

Delivery information: Specimens will ship via overnight or 2nd day delivery. Please specify a delivery date during checkout.