Stellar Journey: The Game

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Stellar Journey: The Game
Educational Materials Earth Science Educational Materials Astronomy Learning Activities
Unites Magnificent Images Within a Unique Learning Game Format

  • Developed in cooperation with NASA
  • Questions have multiple difficulty levels
  • Correlates to national education standards
Each player gathers “mass” to form three different stars. Players then collect “time” for each star to evolve through all stages. The first player to complete the life cycles of all three stars — ending in a white dwarf, a neutron star, and a black hole — wins. The game was developed in cooperation with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Center, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and the Wright Center for Innovation Science Education at Tufts University. It includes a 19 1/2" square game board; game pieces; 60 cards presenting 300 questions at four levels of difficulty; and a booklet with instructions, optional activities, record charts, correlations to the National Science Education standards, and a glossary.