Preserved Starfish

Avg. Ratings: 4.5 (2 Reviews)

Total Ratings: 2
Avg. Ratings: 4.5 out of 5

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Education / Teacher / Rothesay, NB
Yes, I recommend
Starfish are a great introduction to the skills needed to complete a successful dissection. Not only are the students engaged to see inside these sea creatures, the fact that a starfish has multiple appendages help ease their anxiety of making a mistake. If they do mis-read the direction, they can simple try again. Also, the starfish offers a large enough specimen, without a large price tag, to be able to see inside and identify all the part properly. Sometimes, an overzealous biology student can mis-cut an earthworm for instance and the rest of the dissection could be extremely hard to complete. In closing, the starfish dissection is one of my favourites to include in the school year and a student favourite as well.
Reply associate Published 08/29/2018
Thanks for sharing!
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Winnipeg, Manit
Yes, I recommend
Love these sea stars! - 687612 The students get so excited to dissect these starfish. The large ones are easy to dissect and the internal organs are very identifiable. They are so different from vertebrates that the students are intrigued and ask great questions. They have low odour and nice preserved outer surface for the students to investigate.
470000-362PK 466 CAD
470000-362 470000-542 470000-656 470000-766 470001-436 470001-450 470102-944 470325-126 470325-318
Preserved Starfish
Specimens Preserved Specimens Preserved Animal Materials
Standard formalin preserved starfish. Available in vacuum packs or pails.

  • Echinoderm anatomy
Starfish, Asterias sp., make great introductory dissection specimens. Commonly featured in text books, starfish specimens are great for studying external anatomy or for use in dissection.

Availability Limited: due to an outbreak of sea star wasting disease on the natural population of star fish, supplies are currently limited. Future availability is currently unknown; however, we are working on restoring stock as the natural populations continue to grow.




Item # Description Supplier No. Grade Size Chemical/Physical Specifications Height Length Width Size Unit Availability Price Quantity
470221-570 Starfish Visual Dissection Guide, Each
WARD470221-570 - - - - - - - Each Retrieving
470233-546 WARDSafe™
Hazardous Product
- Laboratory 19 L Handi-Pak - - - 19 L Each (19l) Retrieving Restricted