Measuring Experiments Student Activity

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Measuring Experiments Student Activity
Educational Materials Earth Science Educational Materials Landforms Learning Activities
Science Students at Any Level Must Understand Various Units of Measurement and How to Use Them

  • Measurement Concepts Include:
  • Measure the distance to the Sun
  • Consider magnitude of the Solar System
  • Determine "size" of low moon vs. high moon
  • Determine diameter of the moon
  • And more!
  • Requires one 50 minutes classroom periods to complete
Students need to scientific measurement, particularly with respect to magnitude and computation. In this kit students perform 12 exercises covering measuring common objects; utilizing information derived from graphs; determining the Earth’s radius, diameter and circumference; and the use of baselines and a range-finder to determine distance.

Ordering information: Materials include Brass clips, LAB-AIDS® rangefinder/earth rules, Magnets, Marbles, String, Paper Strips, Protractors, Graph paper, Straws, Weights, Sets of Student Activity Cards #1-#4.