Eisco® Hand-Cranked Van de Graaff Generator, 7.9" Dome

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470014-460EA 446.35 CAD
Eisco® Hand-Cranked Van de Graaff Generator, 7.9" Dome
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Electricity/Magnetism Learning Activities
Demonstrate the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy by generating a static charge.

  • Generator uses manual power instead of electricity
  • Students see how generating a static charge converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
  • Discharging sphere size: 10 cm Ø
  • Troubleshooting guide included
This simple generator uses man power instead of electricity. Adhesion between the belt and the lower pulley charges the pulley, and it attracts opposite charges to the outer surface of the belt from the grounded comb. The belt then transports these charges to the terminal where they are collected by the upper comb.

The shielding provided by the terminal allows the process to continue even if the terminal is already strongly charged. The high speed of the belt, along with the large discharge electrode, allows the continuous buildup of charges and great voltages to be achieved.

Accessories information: Set of two replacement belts is available for hand crank Van de Graffee Generator. Small belt has 3" Ø, large belt has 6.5" Ø.





Item # Description Supplier No. Unit Availability Price Quantity
470039-430 Hand-crank Van de Graaff generator, replacement belt set
PH0918B Each Retrieving