Ward's® Freeze-Dried Fetal Pig Museum Mount

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470027-890EA 1510.45 CAD
Ward's® Freeze-Dried Fetal Pig Museum Mount
Specimens Preserved Specimens Display Specimens
Museum mounts are the ideal supplement for classroom dissection.

  • High quality display mount
  • Dissection reference for students
  • Quiz mechanism for teachers
Lightweight and removable from the case for closer study.

This specimen is extra-large so all the organs and body systems are beautifully exposed. Dissected and double injected, the specimen reveals the digestive system, vascular system, and other major organs. A key is included to identify 12 numbered structures. The sex of the specimen is not specified. Size: 11W×5D×24"H.

Caution: Ward's® preserved fetal pigs are a byproduct of the pork industry. Fetal pigs are not raised specifically for dissection. These animals are 'recycled' for educational use.