Essential Physics Demos: Color Mixing with Light and Paint

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Essential Physics Demos: Color Mixing with Light and Paint
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Optics Learning Activities
Study the Difference Between Light and Pigment

  • Affordable, Easy, Fun
  • Present these demonstrations in front of your class to excite your students about learning core physics concepts
Set up and execution are simple, so you can spend more time engaging your students. Ideal for introducing a unit or using as reinforcement after a lesson, these demos are available for all fundamental physical science topics.

Students can experiment with a variety of colored light combinations by turning on some or all of the three colored bulbs at the same time. Then, they'll notice very different results when combining the same colors in pigment form using paint and a brush. What is it that makes these processes so different? A light box with red, blue and green LED lights is included, along with three paints of the same color. Also included with this demo are brushes, a paint pallet, and a detailed demonstration guide.