Body Defense Against Infection Microslide

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T-204-15B T-204
470009-100PK 19.6 CAD
470009-100 470022-072
Body Defense Against Infection Microslide
Slides Prepared Slides
Illustrates Protedcion Methods Throughout the Body

  • Arrows help students locate important features
  • Mounted in a clear plastic holder that protects it on both sides
Microslides consist of a strip of film with photomicrographs, each reproduced exactly as you would see them through a professional microscope under ideal conditions. You can supply all your students with their own Microslides. A detailed text folder is included. Viewers are available separately.

Ordering information: Set includes Skin (cs, st, 200X), Epithelial lining of respiratory tract (cs, st, 175X), Isolated cell from windpipe (st, 1,400X), Pyloric stomach (cs, st, 100X), Eyelid, lacrimal gland (cs, st, 30X), White blood corpuscles (sm, st, 500X), Phagocytosis (em, 25,000X), Lymph gland (cs, st, 40X), Tonsils and adenoids (cs, st, 7X), Liver (cs, st, 20X), and Plasma cell (em, 37,000X).