AP Drosophila Crosses- Live

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6707300 6707301 6707302
470189-284EA 63.1 CAD
470189-284 470189-286 470189-288
AP Drosophila Crosses- Live
Specimens Live Specimens Animals - Living Material
Four to six adults of each sex (including virgin females) have been carefully selected for the parent generation. Larvae will be visible within a week of receipt. Please order 7-10 days in advance.

We fully guarantee the purity and viability of our Drosophila melanogaster cultures. A large, vigorous culture is shipped in a shatterproof plastic vial. To ship Drosophila cultures with living larvae we require 10 days' notice prior to use date. During very cold weather, adult flies may die but eggs and larvae usually survive. Allow cultures to come to room temperature before checking under low magnification for eggs and live larvae. Complete instructions are always included.