Matatalab Coding Sets

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140301 140302
470352-604EA 347.59 CAD
470352-604 470352-624
Matatalab Coding Sets
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
A comprehensive, screen-free, hands-on coding robot set for kids ages 4+.

  • Puzzle-style coding: think like a computer scientist
  • No experience necessary - for kids or adults
  • No additional technology required
  • Use tangible, symbolic blocks to control a robot
  • Comes with challenge activity booklets
  • Expandable functionality through add-on kits
The Matatalab Coding Sets, appropriate for students ages 4 to 9, are a block-based, tangible programming tool that allows students to move a robot through an environment by way of a Bluetooth-enabled command tower and board.

Matatalab’s 'Coding Like ABC' tangible blocks allow students to perform and demonstrate 21st Century Skills by learning through play. By combining multiple tangible Coding Blocks, kids create algorithms to complete a challenge. With this educational tool, students learn and play in tactile ways without the need of a tablet screen or an app. Very young students may benefit from this tool since it does not require reading skills for success.

The packaging box is designed for easy clean up and storage. Coding blocks are made from food-grade material and washable. All parts are robust to withstand years of use. The Coding Set Pro includes the Music and Artist coding block expansions to unlock more possibilities.

Delivery information: Coding Set includes:
MatataBot, Command Tower, Control Board, Map, (3) Challenge Booklets, (8) Obstacles, (3) Flags, and (37) Coding Blocks.

Coding Set Pro includes:
MatataBot, Command Tower, Control Board, Map, (3) Challenge Booklets, (6) Activity Cards (8) Obstacles, (3) Flags, and (99) Coding Blocks.