Eisco Glass Conical Measures, Ungraduated

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CH0355G CH0355F
470345-622EA 47.85 CAD
470345-622 470345-966
Eisco Glass Conical Measures, Ungraduated
Cylinders Measuring Cylinders
Ungraduate conical measure made of borosilicate glass, with pouring spout and round base.

  • Premium glass conical measuring cup made of durable borosilicate glass
  • Ungraduated
  • Pouring spout makes for convenient and accurate distribution of liquids
  • Comes with a stable yet elegant rounded base
  • Autoclavable and dishwasher safe
Borosilicate 3.3 Glass conical measuring cup has a pouring spout for ease of distributing liquids in the lab. Wide extra stable piece. Ungraduated. Autoclavable, with superior chemical durability. Low temperature gradient- can withstand high temperatures & thermal shocks.

Eisco Labs Borosilicate glass has the following heat tolerances:
- Strain Point 515 °C
- Annealing Point 565 °C
- Softening Point 820 °C