Eisco Alpha Particle Scattering Apparatus

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470344-712EA 226.25 CAD
Eisco Alpha Particle Scattering Apparatus
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Modern Physics Learning Activities
For demonstrating Rutherford scattering.

  • For demonstrating Rutherford scattering by means of a gravitational analogue of inverse square law repulsion
  • Comprised of a spun aluminum hill, two steel balls, and a wooden launching ramp
  • Launching ramp with a guide groove down its curved front face and index marks give a variety of known launching heights
For demonstrating Rutherford scattering by means of a gravitational analogue of inverse square law repulsion. The apparatus comprises a spun aluminum hill, 280 Ø×60H mm, a 12.5 and 19 mm × 2 steel ball and a wooden launching ramp. The shape has been determined by varying its height above the base line by an amount based upon the reciprocal of the radius. Launching ramp, 300×48×105 mm high with a guide groove down its curved front face and index marks at 40, 60, 80 and 100 mm above the base to give a variety of known launching heights.