Ward's® Unstained Microscope Slides

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470336-736EA 6.3 CAD
470336-736 470336-738 470336-740 470336-742 470336-744 470336-746 470336-748 470336-750 470336-752 470336-754 470336-756 470336-758 470336-760 470336-762 470336-764 470336-766 470336-768 470336-770 470336-772 470336-774 470336-818 470336-820 470336-822
Ward's® Unstained Microscope Slides
Slides Prepared Slides
These unstained microscrope slides are ideal to practice histological staining techniques.

  • Identifying features clearly distinguishable upon staining
  • Rigorous quality control standards
Ideal for beginner's histology or biology class, unstained microscope slides are a great way to teach students how to stain their own microscope slides using various techniques and stains. Slides are available to purchase individually or as a convenient set. Staining kits and materials sold separately.

The mammalian set includes: liver, jejunum, stomach (fundic), lung, thymus, skeletal muscle, cuboidal epithelium, stratified epithelium, ovary, and spinal cord.

Botanical set includes: Ligustrom leaf, ranunculus stem, zea root, nymphea floating leaf, and mushroom coprinus.

Bacterial set includes: Kocuria rhizophila, Spirillum voltans, Bacillus megaterium, Azobacter chroococcum, and Aquaspirillum serpens.




Item # Description Dimensions Supplier No. No. of Uses Unit Availability Price Quantity
470205-616 Microscope Slide Staining Dish with Rack, 20 Pcs.
41/8 x 33/8 x 23/4" 900200 - Each Retrieving
Case of 6 Retrieving
470178-398 Animal Tissue Stain Kit
Hazardous Product
- - 50 Kit of 1 Retrieving Restricted
470038-940 Ward's® Acid-Fast Stain Kit, For 50 Slides
Hazardous Product
- 9516700 - Each Retrieving Restricted