Plant Press

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506.4002.1 506.4000.1 506.4020.100 506.4022.50 506.4032.2
470332-436EA 178.2 CAD
470332-436 470332-438 470332-446 470332-448 470332-450 470332-456 470332-464
Plant Press
Larger size for herbarium specimens.

  • Large size for whole specimens
  • Strong straps for even compression
This professional plant press has a solid oak frame that is pinned and glued for maximum strength and durability for years of use. All outside edges are smoothed and beveled to reduce strap wear. Two extra-long straps with buckles (~50" in length) allow for maximum press capacity. The Student press is constructed from two ¼" plywood boards with hardwood strips reinforcing the sides. These hardwood strips are carefully beveled to prevent breakage and provide uniform compression on the specimens.

Delivery information: Both presses include straps, 12 ventilators and 12 driers.