Horizon Educational DIY Fuel Cell Science Classroom Pack

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Horizon Educational
470314-466EA 1326.39 CAD
470355-152 470314-466
Horizon Educational DIY Fuel Cell Science Classroom Pack
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Alternative Energy Learning Activities
Organize a DIY race, fueled by hydrogen generated electricity!

  • All-in-one electrolyzer and fuel cell
  • Activity guide
  • Serves 24 to 36 students
  • Free online curriculum resources
  • DIY chassis pack attachment available for separate purchase
Students are tasked with designing and fabricating a car that is powered by Hâ‚‚. They will design their vehicle, source materials for the fuel cell system, build a prototype, and test it in a race.

Educational concepts covered include climate change, renewable energy, human impact, electrolysis, energy, hydrogen generation, reaction rates, reaction yield, reactions, redox reactions, classical mechanics, efficiency, electric circuits, energy, Ohm's law, power (electric).

Ordering information: Classroom pack designed for 24 to 36 students.

Delivery information: Includes manual, activity guide, reversible fuel cells, silicone tubing, syringes, LEDs, crocodile/banana wire, pins, battery packs, motors, gear boxes, pressure relief values, and clamps.