3B Scientific® Diabetic Foot Trainer

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3B Scientific®
470311-926EA 342.25 CAD
3B Scientific® Diabetic Foot Trainer
Models Human Biology Models
Identify problems caused by diabetes.

  • Shows gangrenous toe, trophic ulcer, and pressure ulcer
  • Latex free
  • Three years manufacturers warranty
The after-effects of a diabetes mellitus can result in defects and pressure points in the area of the foot. In this Decubitus Foot skill trainer, a gangrenous alteration on the big toe of the right foot has already spread from the back of the foot to the metatarsal.

A mal perforans (trophic ulcer) is visible on the sole of the foot (plantar). A grade 3 pressure-ulcer is depicted in the heel area. A complete skin layer is lost and the subcutaneous tissue is damaged up to necrosis. This is recognizable by black coloration in the wound area.

Delivery information: Leg not included.