Nylon Conductive Tapes

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K2029-05M P2030-20M
470234-664EA 8.7 CAD
470234-664 470234-666
Nylon Conductive Tapes
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
Introducing: Maker Tape!

  • Blend of nylon and steel
  • Low resistance per foot
  • Strong and flexible, tear resistant
  • Overlapping layers make conducting electrical connection
Our favorite nylon-steel blend is now thinner and z-axis conductive. Just overlap two pieces of Maker Tape to create a solid electrical connection. This tape is much stronger and easier to work with than commonly used copper foil tapes. The ⅛" width tape is perfect for Crazy Circuits™ projects on LEGO™ bricks or compatible systems. The ¼" width is perfect for sticking down LEDs in Paper Circuits projects.

Ordering information: The ⅛" × 5 m tape is about 16' long. ¼" × 20 m tape is about 65' long.