ADC® Satin Fiberoptic Laryngoscope Set

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470119-676CS 8111.1 CAD
ADC® Satin Fiberoptic Laryngoscope Set
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Human Biology Learning Activities
Full assortment of f-o blades and handles in a fitted case.

  • Includes two handles and four blades
  • Easy to store fitted case
  • Compatible with major brands of fiber-optic handles or blades
  • Includes one year warranty
This set of satin handles and macintosh blades is a great way to keep your set organized. All of the components easily store in a rigid case with die cut foam inserts. Each of the two handles (C size and AA) are chrome plated brass with a knurled finish giving a good grip even with wet gloves. The fiber-optic blades (Macintosh sizes 1,2,3 and 4) are made of stainless steel, with removable light pipes, for easy cleaning and service. All parts are marked with green, so its easy to match up fiber-optic blades and handles.

Blades and handles are compatible with other brands conforming with ASTM F965, or ISO 7376.

Accessories information: Does not include batteries.