A. Teflon® PTFE is inert, chemical resistant and steam autoclavable at 121°C (250°F) Dimensions: 254mm (10") long, 7.9mm (5/16") diameter rod. Per each B. The thin 4.7mm (3/16") diameter rod handle is easy to maneuver with a gloved hand. Polypropylene is chemical resistant and steam autoclavable at 121°C (250°F) Length: 203mm (8") 6 per bag C. The wide flattened end is ideal for larger work areas. The rod handle is 6mm (1/4") diameter and 203mm (8") long for easy handling. Large end is 25mm (1") wide. 6 per bag A. Scrape and spread without scratching • B. Molded flat end, cut diagonally, easily spreads and scrapes • C. Steel reinforced polyethylene tool for aggressive scraping and spreading Description: D. Stirring Rod U/M: 6 per bag
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