Principles of Stoichiometry Lab Activity

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470163-316KT 654.75 CAD
Principles of Stoichiometry Lab Activity
Educational Materials Chemistry Educational Materials Properties of Matter Learning Activities in Chemistry
The Principles of Stoichiometry Lab Activity is designed for students to see what types of reactions occur when different solutions are mixed together.

  • Four Different Activities in One Kit
  • All Chemicals Required Included
  • Materials Minimize the Need for Teacher Preparation
  • Kit Includes Teacher's Guide
  • Students See What Happens When Various Solutions Are Mixed Together
Four different experiments focus on the concepts of decomposition reactions, single-replacement reactions, double-replacement reactions, and balanced reactions. The materials in this kit are packaged to minimize the need for teacher preparation. They provide five unique sets of materials for students working in groups of six.

The dropper-topped bottles allow students to perform the array of experiments without the risk of cross contamination of chemicals.

Ordering information: This kit includes cupric sulfate solution, cupric nitrate solution, nickel nitrate solution, lead nitrate solution, cobalt nitrate solution, nitric acid solution, iron(iii) nitrate solution, sodium carbonate solution, sodium sulfate solution, ammonium hydroxide solution, sodium chloride solution, delta solution, sodium iodide solution, sodium thiocyanate solution, sodium chromate solution, sodium thiocyanate solution, sodium hydroxide solution, deionized water, hydrochloric acid solution, nitric acid solution, sulfuric acid solution, calcium nitrate solution, sodium oxalate solution, aluminum metal strips, zinc metal strips, copper metal strips, magnesium metal strips, a preprinted acetate grid sheet, duel well combo plates, wooden dowels, forceps, carbon electrodes, cotton string, a teacher's guide, and a student copymaster.