Balance Power Adapters and Wall Plugs

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46001724 46001776 30330714 30467987 46001884 83020938 30529325
470020-496EA 137.25 CAD
470020-496 470020-552 470326-144 470326-146 470326-148 470326-150 470326-152
Balance Power Adapters and Wall Plugs
Balances and Scales
These power cords and wall plugs will power all your Ward's and Ohaus balances.

  • Find appropriate power cord/wall plug combo from the table
  • Some models require just the power cord
  • Some models require a power cord and wall plug
Please use the pictured chart to locate the appropriate combination of power cord and wall plug (if needed) for your specific balance model. Some models require both a power cord and a wall plug, while others only require the power cord. This is indicated in the pictured table.




Item # Description Supplier No. Unit Availability Price Quantity
470020-552 Wall plug for power adapters (470020-496 or 470326-152)
46001776 Each Retrieving