Ward's® Sealed with a Kiss Kit

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470024-230KT 76.75 CAD
470024-230 470213-824
Ward's® Sealed with a Kiss Kit
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Are lip prints like finger prints?

  • NGSS Physical Science DCI PS1
  • Pre and post-laboratory assessments
  • Links to real world concepts
Someone has been mailing anonymous love letters to the captain of the football team and sealing each one with a kiss. He wants his fellow classmates to help him get to the bottom of this mystery. In this lab activity, students will use paper chromatography to compare the lipstick worn by each female suspect to that of the lipstick found on the envelopes. Students will then analyze the lip prints of each suspect in order to positively identify the “guilty” party. While completing this lab activity, students will employ Framework Science Standard PS1.

This kit has been aligned with all published National Standards. Pre- and Post-laboratory assessments and vocabulary words all target specific Science and Engineering Practices and common core standards. The teacher guide also contains specific “Did You Know” concepts that link the real world with the scientific standards explored. A student copymaster is also included. This kit includes enough materials to be performed once for eight group of students.

Ordering information: Kit contents include 1 Package of 12 chromatography paper discs, 8 Metric rulers, 8 Glass jars with caps , 8 Hand magnifiers, 20 Envelopes, 1 Bottle of Chromatography Solvent (150 mL), 1 Mirror , 20 Sterile Applicator swabs, Teacher's Guide, and Student Copymaster. Materials not included are Three tubes of lipstick (all from the same brand and similar in color), Fume hood or well-ventilated area , UV light (longwave) or “black” light, UV safety glasses, and Steromicroscope (optional). Time requirements for Part I: Lipstick Chromatography is 50 minutes. Time requirements for Part II: Calculating Rf values is 20 minutes. Time requirements for Part III: Examining Lip Prints is 45 minutes.