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You Searched For: Pipette Tips

162  results were found


Tweezers VWR offers a wide assortment of products and brands in this category. If you cannot find the product or brand that you are looking for in this listing please use the general search field in the top-left corner of the screen to search the ...


Support Customer Service Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is here to connect you to easy ordering and provide simple solutions to your questions. Ordering Learn about our valid units of measure uploading shopping lists quick sh...

Laboratory Resource Manual

Laboratory Resource Manual The ultimate guide for any chemistry classroom or lab this comprehensive resource includes invaluable tips tools checklists and information for supporting a safe and robust chemistry program. From materials planning and ...

Liquid Chromatography (HPLC & UHPLC) Sample Preparation

Liquid Chromatography (HPLC & UHPLC) - Sample Preparation Sample preparation is key but often overlooked step in the chromatography process. Every sample is unique and what works for one preparation may not work as well for another. That’s why Ava...


Conditions for Customer Ownership We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. There are currently no USDA permits...

Layout 1

Layout 1 Working with Hydra Working with Hydra Introduction Hydra are freshwater coelenterates found throughout the world. They range in size from less than 1 mm to 5 mm. Their simple structure consists of a polyp — a slender stalk with a row of t...

Physics Resources

Physics Resources Helpful resources for your physics classroom. Physics Resources Looking for support for your physics lab or want to learn more about our physics equipment and activities? Find helpful resources product information videos and more...

Featured Solutions

Featured Solutions VWR International services the industrial government life science education electronics and pharmaceutical markets as a leading worldwide distributor of scientific equipment supplies chemicals and furniture. Through a combinatio...

OSHA's Requirements Have Changed

OSHA's Requirements Have Changed Have you heard? OSHA has made important safety updates that affect your school's chemistry department and chemical storage systems. These changes went into effect on June 1 2016 and include the adoption of the Glob...

36083 LabSet-Up-Guide Labsupplies Checklists

PRODUCT CHECKLIST Lab supplies ☐ Aluminum Foil ☐ Bags Autoclavable Biohazard Resealable Sample Specimen Sterile Stomacher Trash ☐ Bench Protectors ☐ Bottle-Top Dispensers ☐ Brushes ☐ Bulbs ☐ Bunsen Burners ☐ Carts Hand Trucks ☐ Cell Counters ☐ Cel...


Chemistry Corning has been a valued supplier to chemists for nearly a century since the introduction of PYREX® low expansion borosilicate glass that is the quality standard for labware because of its optical clarity strength heat and chemical resi...

Basics in Bio-LC

Basics in Bio-LC Basics in Bio-LC Thursday November 10 2022 09.00 am - 10.00 am EST Replay Wonder why there’s a need for peptide mapping? Is it difficult to obtain a charge variant analysis? Need tips when cutting your protein? Join us as we revie...

Practical UHPLC: Selectivity and rapid method development, method translations and instrument transfers

Practical UHPLC: Selectivity and rapid method development method translations and instrument transfers Webinar Wednesday 23rd January 2019 16:00 to 16:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Ar...

Lab Safety Supplies | Scientific Safety Equipment

Lab Safety Supplies | Scientific Safety Equipment Avantor® Laboratory Safety Avantor® offers the lab safety supplies you need - including absorbents disposal containers labeling systems and more. Keep your lab clean and safe for everyone who works...

Freshwater Crustaceans Amphipods Copepods Ostracods

Conditions for Customer Ownership We hold permits allowing us to transport these organisms. To access permit conditions click here. Never purchase living specimens without having a disposition strategy in place. There are currently no USDA permits...

Complete Workflow Solutions for 3D Cell Culture

Complete Workflow Solutions for 3D Cell Culture Webinar Tuesday November 2nd 2021 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Although traditional 2D cell culture models are still very useful ...
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