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You Searched For: Distillation Systems

604  results were found

Advancing your research

Advancing your research Designed to take you from hypothesis to data to market quickly Our automation-friendly high-content imaging systems cell screening systems and microplate readers provide flexible scalability to take your research wherever y...

Sampling Solutions

Sampling Solutions Exact Volume Sampling Solutions New aseptic & accurate sampling solutions from Avantor designed for your high-value critical samples are flexible and scalable while reducing contamination risk. What fluid handling solution can w...

36083 LabSet-Up-Guide Gen Checklists

LABORATORY CHECKLIST Genomics ☐ Plasmid Purification Accessories Colony Screening Column Regeneration Endotoxin-Free Plasmid Isolation Rapid Plasmid Isolation Standard High Purity Plasmid Isolation Yeast Plasmid Isolation ☐ Genomic DNA Purificatio...


FAQs Ward's Pure Preserved™ Specimens Frequently Asked Questions How are used specimens disposed? Because there are low volatile organic compounds you should be able to routinely and safely dispose of specimens. When you are done with your Ward's ...

Contec Medical Supplies and Cleanroom Products

Contec Inc. Cleanroom Products and Supplies Mission-critical cleaning Contec Inc. an ISO 9001:2008 registered company is dedicated to producing quality contamination control products for critical cleaning environments worldwide. Our extensive prod...


Cultivation Avantor provides everything you need to ensure your cultivation space & greenhouse is clean and free from disease to ensure a healthy crop and higher yields. From sanitation supplies drying trays PPE we can provide a head to toe soluti...

Rapid Microbiology Testing Kits

5 Types of Rapid Microbiology Test Kits Operate your testing laboratory at optimum speed with precision while maintaining maximum ease and efficiency. Avantor® has the solutions you need to build the best rapid testing systems for microbiological ...

What is flow cytometry?

An Introduction to Flow Cytometry Flow cytometry is a powerful analytical technique to analyze and characterize individual cells or particles in a sample. It quantifies cells' physical and chemical properties in real-time including size granularit...

~~azure biosystems western blot applications~~

Azure Biosystems is dedicated to designing instruments that can deliver industry-leading performance across a broad range of laboratory applications without overcomplicating the user experience. We have designed a suite of upgradeable cSeries inst...

~~Explore Discovery Education TechKits for Grades K-8~~

Explore Discovery Education TechKits for Grades K-8 TechKits for Elementary Kindergarten TechKit Includes materials for hands-on labs in the following Techbook units: Energy and Motion Living Thinks The World Around Us Item Number: 470229-502 Grad...

Masterflex® Selection Tools — Two ways to find the best pump for your needs

Masterflex® Selection Tools — Two ways to find the best pump for your needs Configure your pump system by choosing compatible components Enter configurator Configure Masterflex L/S and I/P series pump components. Engineered for high precision with...

Compare & Shop Stream Tables

Compare & Shop Stream Tables Choose the Best Stream Table for Your Classroom Whether you're teaching introductory earth science or advanced-level geology Ward's Science has a stream table to meet your needs. From basic models to deluxe systems and...

Solutions for your applications - life science

Solutions for your applications - life science All You Need At VWR we enable Life Science throughout the world by providing the power of choice with over 5 million products for our customers. You will find new tools and products in the All You Nee...

36083 LabSet-Up-Guide Chrom Checklists

LABORATORY CHECKLIST Chromatography ☐ AA Accessories ☐ Bio-Chromatography ☐ Buffers ☐ Bulk Media Alumina Ion-Exchange Irregular and Spherical Silica Normal Phase Reversed Phase ☐ CE and CE/MS Capillaries ☐ Flash Chromatography Columns Empty Glass ...

Distance Learning Software and Applications

Distance Learning Software and Applications Whether you’re teaching remotely or teaching in the classroom these flexible online science software solutions make it easy to incorporate realistic science concepts and applications into your lessons. W...

Bioprocessing Fermentation Process Workflow - Products from Masterflex

Bioprocessing Fermentation Process + Pumps Pumps Masterflex Peristaltic Pumps Ismatec® Reglo Digital Multichannel Pumps Masterflex® Quattroflow™ Ethernet Compatible Pump Systems PuraLev® Levitronix Single-Use Pump Series + Pumps Pumps Masterflex P...
49 - 64 of 604