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"Environmental Educational Videos"

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Dive into the science and real life farming practices of Wisconsin’s beef industry. From nutrition to cooking, we'll explore fun and useful information that will help make you beef savvy in the store, on the grill, or at the farm.  Did you know there are more than 3,000 kinds of substances that can

Item Number:  (470330-902)
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So what’s the big news with such a little bean? That's exactly what we'll explore as we unravel the history and mystery of this littlelegume. In revealing the historic roots of the soybean, we'll uncover the secret within the plant’s roots of converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen in the soi

Item Number:  (470330-906)
Ratings: (No Reviews)

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This program unravels some of the foundational chemistry that affects everything on planet earth. It begins with the primary conversion of simple chemicals into complex compounds that form the building blocks of all life. Using the further conversions that occur in a dairy cow, the team decodes how

Item Number:  (470330-890)
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For the first time in history, more than half the population lives in cities. Because of urbanization every year we destroy untold amounts of plants and fertile soil. With this in mind, how can we make cities more sustainable? This program takes a special look at green roof gardening, the expansio

Item Number:  (470330-818)
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Hang on as our adventure team zip lines their way through the trees and science of understanding forest management and related ecosystems. They explore from high canopies all the way to the leaf litter to uncover the lifecycle or Wisconsin's recyclable forests. Along the way, they team up with expe

Item Number:  (470330-884)
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The Sixth Extinction: The Human Role DVD

Item Number:  (470138-350)
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Renewable Fuels DVD, 24 min.

Item Number:  (470138-356)
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What impacts do polluted waterways and aquifers have on people and natural ecosystems? How can new concepts in land use hold promise to help solve water woes? Discover the science of water pollution. Find out what can be done by whom to save lakes threatened by toxic cyanobacteria, how some botanic

Item Number:  (470330-864)
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Dirty Little Secrets: The Impact of Fine Particle Pollution DVD

Item Number:  (470030-918)
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Wild mustangs have long been an icon of native peoples and early settlers of North America. Yet their fate today is uncertain. Traded, stolen and wild for 400 years, an estimated 2-3 million roamed North America in 1890 until they became almost excinct. The US Government has attempted to control t

Item Number:  (470330-834)
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Plundering the Oceans DVD

Item Number:  (470030-928)
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History shows that rivers are essential to building thriving communities, but who does a river really belong to? The Ottaway describes the life and livelihood a river provides to both human and natural communities through the perspectives of all who depend on it. Explore the struggle for balance a

Item Number:  (470330-870)
Ratings: (No Reviews)

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The Once Good Earth: Understanding Soil DVD

Item Number:  (470138-362)
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Lace up your hiking boots as we explore the mysteries both big and small along Wisconsin’s scenic Ice Age Trail. From east to west, we'll hike with experts on different sections of this 1000-mile trail to discover glacial mysteries such as drumlins, moraines, eskers, kames, potholes and kettles. We

Item Number:  (470330-886)
Ratings: (No Reviews)

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Are trees plants? Are they worth more as lumbar or as living things? Hosts, Josh and Caroline, help you discover the variety of benefits that plants offer to help you make your own value-based decision about the role trees and plants play in our lives. The science sleuths investigate how plants can

Item Number:  (470330-894)
Ratings: (No Reviews)

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