miniPCR® Genotype to Phenotype: PTC Taster Lab

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470351-986EA 151.49 CAD
miniPCR® Genotype to Phenotype: PTC Taster Lab
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Examine how genetic variations affect our ability to perceive the world around us.

  • Techniques: Micropipetting, DNA extraction, PCR, restriction digest, gel electrophoresis
  • Topics: Genetic inheritance, genotype to phenotype, biotechnology
  • Time required: Can be completed in two 45-minute class periods or one 120-minute class period
  • Level: General high school through college
Explore how small genetic changes can change our ability to perceive the world around us. The TAS2R38 taste receptor gene can confer the phenotypic ability to taste the chemical phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and other bitter flavors. Test your own TAS2R38 taste receptor gene and determine whether you have taster or non-taster alleles of the gene. Use these results to correlate your genotype with your ability to taste PTC and foods that contain related chemicals, such as broccoli.

Reagents and consumables supplied by user:
- Agarose (electrophoresis grade)
- DNA stain (e.g., GelGreen™)
- Gel electrophoresis buffer (e.g., 1X TBE)
- Distilled or deionized H₂O (to dilute buffer concentrate – not included in Lab Companion Kit)
- Microtubes
- PCR tubes

Required equipment:
- Micropipettes and tips
- Thermal cycler
- Gel electrophoresis and visualization system

Storage notes:
- Reagents require freezer storage
- Reagents are stable for 12 months when stored in the freezer

Accessories information: The learning lab companion kit (catalog no. 470352-026) contains all the consumables (except water) needed for a class of 32 students. These reagents and consumables can also be sourced independently.

Delivery information: The miniPCR PTC Taster Lab kit contains reagents for 8 lab groups of 4 students each (32 students): X-Tract™ DNA Extraction Buffer (2 vials); 2X EZ PCR Master Mix, Load-Ready™; PTC Lab Primer Mix, 2X concentrate; Restriction Enzyme Fnu4HI; 100 bp DNA Ladder, Load Ready™. Note: Reagents are compatible with blueGel™ or other standard horizontal electrophoresis systems.