Eisco Evaporating Flasks

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CH0435G CH0435F CH0435B CH0435A CH0435D CH0435E CH0435C
470343-604EA 43.9 CAD
470343-604 470343-690 470344-070 470344-674 470344-872 470345-150 470345-262
Eisco Evaporating Flasks
Flasks Rotary Evaporator Flasks
Evaporating flasks with ground sockets made of borosilicate 3.3 glass.

  • Withstands high temperatures and thermal shocks
  • Ungraduated, with round bottom
  • Features ground socket
  • Used with rotary evaporators and vacuum applications that vaporize solvents
Evaporating flasks for use with rotary evaporators and vacuum applications that vaporize solvents. Made of durable, high quality, heavy duty 3.3 borosilicate glass with the following heat tolerances:
- Strain Point 515 °C
- Annealing Point 565 °C
- Softening Point 820 °C