Half Life Analogue Demonstration

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470344-052EA 109 CAD
Half Life Analogue Demonstration
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Atomic Physics Learning Activities
Students actively model the concept of half-life and radioactive decay.

  • Simulate radioactive decay by 'rolling the dice'
  • Students create a decay curve
  • Kit comes with enough materials for 10 student groups
This hands-on model offers a perfect way for students to safely study the behavior of subatomic particles. The set contains ten trays and 500 small plastic cubes, representing unstable nuclei. Each cube has one differentiated face, which represents a decayed daughter particle when landing face-up. Ten groups then shake their set of nuclei and roll them onto a table. For each throw, the decayed nuclei are counted and removed from the set. This activity allows students to create a decay curve and develop a greater understanding of radioactive decay in a safe manner.

Kit includes: (500) plastic cubes, (10) trays for student groups, and (1) plastic storage canister.