Ward's® Caliche

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WARD470323-116 WARD470323-126
470323-126PK 29.7 CAD
470323-126 470323-116
Ward's® Caliche
Specimens Mineral Specimens Display and Specialty Minerals
Hardened natural cement of calcium carbonate that binds other material such as gravel, sand, clay, and silt.

Ordering information: WARD’S offers different specimen sizes to meet various needs. Student specimens are ideal for students to use for study and identification. Student specimens range in size from 1×1" to 1×2" and come in packages of ten. Hand specimens are great for lectures, demonstrations, and display. Hand specimens range in size from 2×3" to 3×4", and each comes in a labeled plastic tray. Bulk pack includes several of the smaller pieces that are suitable for classroom study, while the larger specimens in the one kilogram pack can be cut to sizes for specific needs. The number and size of pieces will vary.