Energy Conversion Kit

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470230-446KT 193.85 CAD
Energy Conversion Kit
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Electricity/Magnetism Learning Activities
Demonstrates process of energy conversion.

  • Great tool to discover conversion processes of different types of energy
  • Includes 3 different devices to generate electricity
  • Includes 5 devices that converts the generated electricity into 5 different forms of energy
  • Perfect for hands on experience in the classroom
This kit wonderfully demonstrates the process of energy conversion between many different forms of energy. Ideal for classroom demonstrations as well as a hands on learning tool. Mounted to a solid plastic board are three different sources for the generation of energy: hand crank (mechanical), cell battery holder (electrical), and a solar cell (light). Five circuit elements can each be inserted into the board to observe the use of the generated electrical energy: motor with fan (mechanical), buzzer (sound), LED (light), resistor (heat), and an electromagnet (magnetism). Uses 2 'C' batteries (not included).

Ordering information: Uses 2 'C' batteries (not included).