Texas Geoblox Landform Models

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470222-816EA 49.35 CAD
470222-816 470222-826
Texas Geoblox Landform Models
Educational Materials Earth Science Educational Materials Landforms Learning Activities
Have your students build their own models while covering a wide variety of curriculum

These sets are comb bound and can be used as a copymaster to produce enough for your entire class or you can enlarge the patterns to use them as demonstration models.

The Landform Models Covers the 10 ecoregions of Texas

Texas Ecoregions includes:
Balcones Escarpment - Edwards Plateau/Blackland Prairie Boundary; Barrier Island - Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes; Caprock Escarpment - Rolling Plains/High Plains; Cuesta - Cross Timbers; Exfoliation Dome - Edwards Plateau (Llano Uplift); Igneous Intrusion - Trans-Pecos; Inselbergs - Rolling Plains; Levee - Pineywoods; Meandering Stream - South Texas Plains; Playa Lakes - High Plains; Stair Step Topography- Edwards Plateau

Ordering information: Models do not come preassembled. Students and educators are meant to use the patterns and instructions in the booklet to construct the models for educational purposes. Constructed models can then be used as a permanent classroom display