GEO-logic Metamorphic Rocks Thin Section Topic Set

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470025-358EA 1028.7 CAD
GEO-logic Metamorphic Rocks Thin Section Topic Set
Specimens Rock Specimens Rock Thin Sections
Examine the Mineral Composition of Metamorphic Rocks.

  • Developed jointly by experienced educators and Ward's® staff geologists
  • Classroom tested for dependability
  • Designed to save valuble planning and preparation time
Analyzing mineral constituents and viewing the textural variations in greater detail will help students identify and classify the different types of metamorphic rocks in the GEO-logic set. The microscope slides correspond to the rock samples in the Metamorphic Rocks Activity Set. A teacher's guide and student copymasters are included for the following activities: identifying primary mineral constituents, recognizing the nature of foliation, and estimating percentages of minerals. An optical properties chart is included, and the set is housed in a hinged storage box.

12 thin section glass microscope slides, 27×46 mm
Teacher's Guide
Student Copymasters