Ward's® Introduction to Genetics: A Monohybrid Cross in Yeast Lab Activity

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470007-888KT 180.1 CAD
Ward's® Introduction to Genetics: A Monohybrid Cross in Yeast Lab Activity
Specimens Live Specimens Fungi - Living Material
A quick and colorful demonstration of Mendel’s Law of Segregation.

Students will investigate the concepts of inheritance, dominant and recessive alleles, and phenotype versus genotype, as well as learn how to predict phenotypic ratios. Using yeast allows students to obtain results much more quickly than with other organisms, and the results are observable with the naked eye.

Kit Includes:
Sterile media and petri dishes required for performing crosses
Teacher's guide and student copymaster
Coupon redeemable for 4 different strains of yeast

Ordering information: This item contains a copupon for live or perishable materials. At checkout, please provide the date you wish the perishable components to arrive.

Delivery information: The kit will ship separately from the live component. Kits do not contain perishable components and generally ship via UPS ground. Perishable components will ship via overnight or second day delivery.

Caution: Note: While the organism in this activity is non-pathogenic, Ward’s recommends that you utilize proper aseptic technique when handling all microorganisms.