Portable Geiger Counter

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470006-196EA 709 CAD
Portable Geiger Counter
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Modern Physics Learning Activities
This low-cost, portable unit instantly measures levels of harmful beta, gamma, and X radiations on its compressed scale meter.

  • For Educational Use Only
  • Low-Cost
  • Stainless Steel Detector
  • Cesium-137 Beta-Shielded Calibration Source
  • Length: 17 cm
It features a halogen-quenched stainless steel detector, Cesium-137 beta shielded-calibration source, and a range of 0—10 mR/Hr (logarithmic). The unit measures 3.5 x 8 x 17 cm and operates on a provided 9V battery.

All Geiger counters sold by Avantor Education Companies are for educational purposes only. They will measure different types of radiation including alpha, beta, gamma, and X-rays, but they should not be used for any health, safety, or medical purposes or to determine a human being's safety in an area that is suspected of radiation exposure. Our Geiger counters will detect different types of radiation, but unless you know how to properly calibrate them and interpret the data, these Geiger counters should not be used to determine safe or unsafe levels of radiation exposure.

Caution: Caution:These Geiger counters should not be used to determine safe or unsafe levels of radiation exposure.